
3 octobre 2012

Interview de Nathan Fillion dans Première

Voici une interview parue dans le numéro d'octobre du magazine Première. Une fois n'est pas coutume et à la demande de nos lecteurs outre-atlantique nous vous proposons aussi la traduction de l'article en anglais.

Idol of the geek community since Firefly, the mythic space western of Joss Whedon, Nathan Fillion go on charming the audience with the hit Castle. Chat with a king of splits.

Premiere : From Buffy to Firefly through the webseries Dr Horrible's sing along blog you are one of the faithful companions of Joss Whedon. Aren't you disappointed of not being a part of Avengers adventure ?

Nathan Fillion : there are so many fantastic movies in which I'm not, I resigned myself to it ! (he laughs). Seriously, I've been in so many projects of Joss Whedon that I'm fulfilled. This man changed my life. I'm really happy of what is happening to him. His fans have always be aware of how daring, brilliant and deeply touching this man is. The good news is that now, with Avengers, everybody in the world knows it. Finally!

You're playing in his next film, an adaptation of Much Ado about Nothing...

It's my first foray in Shakespeare world. I hope people will forgive me (he laughs). We shot it with buddies, on the week end in Joss' garden. It's really a home movie, but it's one of the must difficult role I've had in my carrier.

The two series that describes your carrier are very different from each other. On the one hand, Firefly, a cult series for insiders, on the other, Castle, a procedural for all audience. Are you aware of this paradox?

Completely. One day, my mother said to me: “Nathan, you're a nerd. But you're lucky, you look mainstream”. It's my life, One foot in the geek culture and the other one in the mainstream. Of course I have a deep attachment to Firefly, science-fiction, and the power of imagination. But I have a lot of fun in playing Castle.

What makes the success of Castle?

First, it's a question of timing. We have been lucky to be in the right place at the right time. People wanted to see that: a series with a lot of dead bodies, but funny, easy, cheerful. No way to feel sad or depressed when you turn off the TV.

Ten years after its cancellation, a lot of fans always expect a Firefly revival. Now that Joss whedon is getting full authority in Hollywood, do you think there is a chance?

Who knows! But, you know, I try not to get involved too much emotionally in my job. In Hollywood everything go so fast. People can promise you the moon and the stars and fire you in the same sentence without getting their breath back.
When Firefly has been canceled, I was destroyed. I wasn't only an actor of the show, I was its fan number one! It's better not to get attached to your projects because, when the dream stops, the awakening could be painful.

Traduction: Firefly pour NFFW

1 commentaire:

  1. Thank you most kindly for translating this interview. You are wonderful to do this, and it is greatly appreciated.

    Love your site!!

    Thank you so much again,

